Point N°1                                          


Carnet de route:

Aujourd'hui 16/06/02, pas d'e-mail de la marche....la seule information obtenue dans ma messagerie est ce mail de Philippe Horellou horellou@lovelace.infobiogen.fr , voici le texte du message en anglais...si quelqu'un peut lui répondre...

"...Dear Tashi,

 Many thanks for your e-mail. I think you are already helping Benjamin very much by sending us report: he did not do it yet. I guess he is very busy with lots of issues due to difficulty to organise such an event with many participants. It looks as a good start, also because indo-pak issue is getting better (do you have other opinion about this?). I do not know what benjamin means about 3 tibetans from GuChuSum and 1 from TYC in France-Tibet. Would you agree that we send a message to World Tibet News based on your report ? Shall we quote your name and organisation ? I guess we shoud also ask Benjamin. I do not have his e-mail here, but I send this e-mail to several addresses in case someone know for sure the good addresse of Benjamin.

J'attends de nouvelles informations sous peu....je vous tiendrai informé à tout moment en mettant à jour le site..


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